
Topic, resources, means of creation, and proposed components for messaging will be discussed and examined for a level of rigor appropriate for completion of the master's degree.

  • I have identified a thorough list of resources, which I will study more in this next phase. I believe the means of creation will be at a master degree level of rigor. The animation and video will be polished, the website will be functional and well designed, and the branding will be consistent and creative. 

The project will be program-encompassing and representative of the Master of Arts in Graphic and Web Design.

  • I think that my project encompasses many different aspects of the program. The current state of my project touches on motion design and graphic design. Going forward into the next phase, I will focus on showing off my web design skills with the website construction and also my ux skills when considering the best functionality for the website. 

Research and collected data must be accurate and verifiable, with sources listed and accessible.

  • I definitely plan to strengthen this part in the next phase. I have identified many articles and avenues of research but I have not had the chance to dive in deeply. I am looking forward to strengthening my research in this next phase. I think that the research will really help guide how to edit the episodes and also how to market the episodes to the audience.

Consistent documentation of process to further articulate intentions of what you're making.

  • I’ve been using my blog to post my weekly updates. I think they look polished and are successful in looking professional because I post in the form of presentation slides. This is great to have; however I am missing out on sharing some of the raw process of the project. In the next phase, I’d like to post more photos of what I am working on instead of just final slides. 

In addition to other exhibition offerings and presentations, the final project, along with its process, will be accessible and discoverable for viewing as an online gallery.

  • Yes! My end goal will be a central website that will contain the final episodes, the recipe instructions, the process blog and the about section for the show and host. 

The project should allow for community engagement and partnership.

  • I am especially excited for this aspect. I think there will be a natural community engagement component to this project because we will be cooking with different guests. I think there is also a natural following from Ali’s comedy fans. Those aspects are working well but I also want to expand the community engagement in the next phase. I think what I learn from the research will help to narrow down my audience and then I can think about creative ways to reach this audience.